DiscovIR10™ Software
By downloading, you will receive the newest version of DiscovIR10 and its release notes. Run this file to install or update DiscovIR10.
Please note: if you do not have a license, a trial version is available for a limited time.
The software is an intuitive, easy to use and run, digital interface
Switching software guide
Explains how to move back and forth from GRAMS and DiscovIR10
DiscovIR10TM Software is a fully interactive and intuitive system to collect, process, and manage infrared spectral data.
Data Station Requirements
Operating system
Microsoft Windows© 10; 32 or 64 bit
Microsoft Excel is needed to modify or create report templates
Dedicated Ethernet port for DiscovIR system (Needed for full license only)
Software Overview
Standard Features:
- Real-time data collection and post-run RT rescan
- Chromatographic / spectral workup
- Band chromatograms for chemical classes
- Unattended operation
- Directly controls DANI Master GC
- Alignment and tuning tools
New with DiscovIR10TM Software:
- Process data, create reports, and edit sequence while running samples
- Customize report contents and format easily using report generator templates
- Edit sequence of future runs while collecting data
- Improved Spectral Quality
- “True Spectra” displayed with flat baselines – unknowns look like the libraries
- Removes chromatographic drift by using local backgrounds
- Chromatogram with spectra displays include Topographic map
- Estimate amount of Liquid Nitrogen for the sequence of analysis
- DiscovIR10 allows 16+ hours of unattended operation with customized hardware
- Autonomous Operation Mode– No Sequence Editing, DiscovIR10 collects whenever the GC or GCMS injects (coming soon)
Library Search Includes:
- Analytical Spectra visually match the library Spectra
- 100% quality match scale
- Spectra compatible with all ATR and transmission solid phase FTIR Libraries
- Displays Chemical Structures
- Chromatographic retention time matching using Linear Retention Indexes (LRI)
- Create encrypted libraries
Software interactions:
- Ribbon style graphic organization
- Interactive workspace tabs
- Workflow guided by icon sequence
- Hierarchical privilege level access
What you can do:
- GC Mass Spectrometers directly couple to DiscovIR systems
- Autonomous Operation Mode – no need to prepare multiple sequences and have them synchronized
- Modes of Operation:
- Edit sequence in DiscovIR10 and have it run the integrated Dani Master GC
- Edit sequence in DiscovIR10 and export as a csv file to be imported by other GCs
- Run DiscovIR10 autonomously without a sequence by using the start and stop commands sent by the GC (coming soon)